Difference Between Public Libraries and Personal Libraries

Public Libraries

There are 3 public library sections of Social Genie - the Campaign library, the Post library & the Blog library. The public libraries consist of all the campaigns, posts & blogs created by Brighter Vision for you to use. You are able to customize these images and the content as much or as little as you'd like.

If you Heart a post or a blog, that moves the post from the public library to your personal post or blog library. To add a campaign from the public library to your personal library, you can click "Add to my Campaigns". Also, if you add a post to a campaign, that post will be moved from the public library to your personal library.

Finally, if you use any pre-created Brighter Vision Campaigns, all of the posts in that campaign will be moved to your personal posts library.

Personal Libraries

The 3 sections of personal libraries are My Campaigns, Saved Posts, and Saved Blogs.

Also, any Custom Posts you create will automatically be added to Saved Posts, and any Custom Blog you purchase will be added to Saved Blogs. If you create a Custom Post or purchase a Custom Blog, that post or blog belongs to you and will never be visible to another Social Genie user.